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Working with agricultural communities to adapt to climate change in Rwanda

Rwanda's economy is predominantly agricultural, with 80% of the population depending on farming for their livelihoods. Its hilly landscape makes it particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with increased drought and heavy rainfall accelerating landslides and erosion.

Dr Sam Kanyamibwa set up the Albertine Rift Conservation Society, (ARCOS) to help local communities adapt to this changing environment. Working closely with nature, Arcos develops community partnerships to restore degraded farmland following the principles of regenerative agriculture, enhancing soil fertility, reducing erosion and planting indigenous species.

With thanks to

Dr Sam Kanyamibwa, Founder and Executive Director, ARCOS

Brigitte N. Kanyamugenge, Head of Community Development Programme, ARCOS

Jean Bosco Murenzi, Chair of the Koimizanya Cooperative

World Resources Institute, who provided some of the material in this film and have worked closely with ARCOS via its Global Restoration Initiative and TerraFund for AFR100

For more information on ARCOS, visit their website here:

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