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COP28: Baroness Patricia Scotland

"If you look at how much money we need to deliver those sustainable development goals in Paris, it's about 4 trillion a year till 2030. That is impossible for governments to do on their own. So it's going to take all of us, and business has the ability, the energy and the innovative capacity to help us to deliver it."

Baroness Scotland, Secretary General of the Commonwealth Nations, is convinced that businesses will play a vital role in delivering climate solutions, particularly in the GLobal South. Through her leadership of a global coalition of countries affected by the climate and biodiversity crisis, she has gained unique insights into why businesses and governments must collaborate if the delivery of goals set out in the Paris agenda are to be achieved in time. Small and developing countries in the Global South are disproportionately effected by the climate crisis, despite their minimal carbon footprint, and can only contribute a tiny fraction to this annual financial requirement. This is why global businesses and philanthropists are crucial, and with the right ecosystem in place, businesses around the world can work together to overcome this challenge.

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