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Terra Carta

Harnessing the power of business to drive a sustainable recovery plan for Nature, People and Planet

As the Prince of Wales, His Majesty King Charles III called on leaders from all sectors and from all around the world to give their support to the ‘Terra Carta’ – an initiative providing the basis of a sustainable recovery plan for Nature, People and Planet at the heart of global value creation.

The Terra Carta is based on a series of recommendations developed over a year of HRH convening ‘coalitions of the willing’ among global business leaders across industries in almost every sector, challenging them to identify ways to set our planet on a fundamentally more sustainable trajectory. Together, they have developed a charter of ambitious, but practical action aimed at building a truly sustainable future.

The Terra Carta further aims to unlock the catalytic potential of consumer demand, and to drive investment into solutions (Nature-based and engineered) that address the climate and biodiversity crises. 

Over the next ten years, the Terra Carta will be updated and reported on annually by HRH’s Sustainable Markets Initiative in order to reflect the rapid pace of change and continuous progress being achieved around the world.

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